CASE STUDY: YMCA of Northern Alberta eMail Release

RELEASE TOPIC: 2019 YEG Youth Connect Event

The YMCA of Northern Alberta purchased an Annual Full Service Subscription in June 2019. Their subscription includes the distribution of up to 8 media releases over the year. The release below is the third of the eight releases in their package. The image on the left is the copy of the release they sent me. The image on the right is the html version of the release I designed for distribution. Note that I took it upon myself to locate, crop and resize the images for the html version of the release. The cient approved the addition of these images when I sent the reformatted release back to her for approval to distribute the following morning.


Once I received the release, I went to the YEG Youth Connect website and found some images to illustrate the text. I took a screenshot of pages of their website and sized two images to suit their branded html template.The image at the top with the three pink boxes and the image entitled “What to Expect at Youth Connect” that includes the icons detailing the services offerd to participants at the event are both from screenshots of portions of the YEG Youth Connect website. 

The Online Version of the Release

check it out

The design, distribution and publishing process takes 3 business days. Day One – Subscriber sends me release text. Day Two – I contact subscriber to ask any questions. I search for suitable images if necessary. I format the release text and images into custom branded html email. I send the reformatted release to subscriber for their approval and sometimes they need to wait for approval of others.  Day Three – I distribute the approved release to the media via email and social media. 

Their first two releases

The html version of the release on the left is their first release, the one above their secon distributed two weeks later on the same topic. 

In both these instances, I followed the same process as their third release, located images, designed the layout, posted and formatted the release on blog, as well as on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


We’ll relay documents, images and messages back and forth using a client portal on this website. The image on the left illustrates the CLIENT PORTAL login page and how to access it. The image on the right illustrates an individual client portal page. That way, we will all be on the same page, all the time. Each of us will be notified by email when either of us has uploaded a document or sent the other a message. 

This client communication portal is still a work in progress. Any suggestions how it could be improved to better suit your needs is appreciated.

$175 for the distribution of one release to $950 for eight over a year to reporters, editors, news producers, bloggers and social media influencers in Alberta. 

see subscription options